"It's time to prioritize your health and regain hope for a better future."
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We are so glad to have you join us! 
By accepting our scholarship, you will gain access to attend our full program, where you will discover the power of our toolkit, engage with like-minded individuals, and embark on a transformative journey that will empower you to become the change you wish to see in your military community.  

Here's what to do next:

1. Choose a class from one of our available in-person/virtual courses
2. Register using the button below!

Don't wait any longer!
It's time to unleash your full potential and create a meaningful impact in the lives of military families.

*This Scholarship provides $1,999 of course fees to eligible military spouses.


If our Coaching Certification Program isn't for you right now, please visit our additional professional development offerings at the Spouse Academy! 
Our academy offers a straightforward three-tier program structure designed to meet you where you are, and empower your unique leadership journey, all in under 30 minutes a week!

Your military journey presents constant challenges. You deserve a life-long development plan that equips you, not only to face your unique obstacles, but to transform them into fantastic memories, and family adventures!
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